Healthy doses of science around Australia Tuesday 18 August 2015 Let’s debate your prostate, with Bernie Hobbs and experts – Thursday in Hobart, TAS Crap or credible? Bringing science to …
Walk on Mars (in Redfern); aurora photography; and astro-inspired dance
Arts stories from National Science Week Tuesday 18 August 2015 Exploring the night sky through dance – tonight in Toowong, QLD See crystal art made with microscopes and smartphones – tomorrow …
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How to make a healthy baby in the 21st century
There’s more to making healthy babies than what goes on in the bedroom. Sunday 23 August, 3:30-5:30pm (ACST), Adelaide and online Speakers available for interview The life you and your partner lead …
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Laser light art shows, celebrity scientists and a dress made from beer
Western Australia launches National Science Week Saturday 15 August: launch 11am at the Perth Cultural Centre main stage with Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Deputy Lord Mayor and guest …
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Fireworks at the footy; dancing science; and asking ‘should science be sexy?’
Queensland kicks off National Science Week Today, national launch with Ian Macfarlane in Toowomba and 120 other schools Tonight, 14 August 2015, 7.45pm, Science of fireworks with Brisbane Broncos …
Local talent, international guests and asking: “can science save humanity?”
National Science Week launches in the ACT Some of the best scientists on – and off – the planet will set the stage for National Science Week in the ACT, with the official launch at the National …
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