Monday at the 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane

On the first day of the Congress we explore:

  • Minerals policy requirements for the next 30 years.
  • Sand – the most mined mineral on Earth, and perhaps a critical mineral.
  • Sustainable concrete in an urbanising world.
  • The art of closure: Mines turning into physics labs, parks, pumped hydro.
  • First Nations perspective on mining closures and transitions – voices from Australia, Canada and Mongolia.
  • Plus state and federal ministers speaking.

Details below.

Read More about Monday at the 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane

Can mining walk and talk at the same time?

The future for our planet depends on it

Media welcome at 26th World Mining Congress in Brisbane starting Monday 26 June.

Humanity needs vast quantities of lithium, cobalt, copper, sand and many other minerals for a sustainable net-zero world.

Mining companies need to decarbonise their operations at the same time.

More intense climate events will disrupt mines and vital transport routes.

And civil society is cautious about the mining industry.

We’ll find out how mining is transforming to meet these challenges at the World Mining Congress starting on Monday in Brisbane, with over 3,000 of the world’s mining leaders, technologists, and researchers from 70 countries.

Read More about Can mining walk and talk at the same time?

Media stories from the World Mining Congress 2023

We are planning an active media program for the Congress. If you would like to receive our media releases and/or interview delegates, please contact Niall Byrne, World Mining Congress Media Manager on +61-417-131-977 or email

In your request please let us know who you’re reporting for, and your deadline.

Visit to see the latest media releases and other media information.


Media are also welcome to attend the Congress.

Attendance is complimentary to journalists from print, TV, radio and other organisations, who are attending the event as part of their professional duties.

We also offer complimentary registration to freelance journalists who can demonstrate that that they have been assigned by a media organisation to report on the Congress.

Read More about Media stories from the World Mining Congress 2023

The future for our planet

Resourcing Tomorrow – Creating Value for Society

Media welcome at 26th World Mining Congress

Where will we find the lithium, cobalt, copper, sand and other minerals needed for a sustainable net-zero world?

How can we create and operate zero-impact mines?

AI, EV and autonomous machines are already making mines cleaner and safer. What are the lessons across society?

How can we transform mining’s relationship with First Nations people around the world?

Can we/should we mine with plants? In space?

How can we build infrastructure sustainably in the Global South?

Find the answers to these any many other questions, with over 3,500 of the world’s mining leaders, technologists, and researchers from 70 countries who are meeting at the World Mining Congress in Brisbane from 26 to 29 June 2023.

Accredited media are invited to attend the Congress

Read More about The future for our planet