Who benefits? A question about the future of health & medical research

Thursday 23rd May 5-7pm – free public forum in Melbourne

The community and governments here and around the world have increasing expectation that publicly funded research will reap benefits more quickly and fully.

Expectation are particularly high for health and medical research because if offers solutions for better health care, restraining costs of providing care, and building national prosperity through innovative industry growth.

This talk will discuss who benefits from health and medical research, including individuals, health consumers, policy makers, practicioners, business, governments and researchers themselves; and how.

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Who benefits? A question about the future of health & medical research

Thursday 23rd May 5-7pm – free public forum in Melbourne

The community and governments here and around the world have increasing expectation that publicly funded research will reap benefits more quickly and fully.

Expectation are particularly high for health and medical research because if offers solutions for better health care, restraining costs of providing care, and building national prosperity through innovative industry growth.

This talk will discuss who benefits from health and medical research, including individuals, health consumers, policy makers, practicioners, business, governments and researchers themselves; and how.

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Forever young – growing old gracefully with science

Introducing the 4th Graeme Clark Orator, speaking Wednesday 18 July 2012 at the Melbourne Convention Centre.

Professor Dame Linda Partridge imagines a future in which we all stay young by taking a pill that reduces the impact of ageing.

She’s not promising immortality, rather she’s working toward a future in which we age gracefully – healthy, happy and active until the end.

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Who’s the boss? Melbourne research shows cells influence their own destiny

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute researchers, with the help of NICTA’s Victoria ICT Laboratory, are a step closer to being able to model the complexity of our immune system in a computer thanks to research published in Science today.  This will be a critical tool in developing new vaccines and better therapies for autoimmune diseases.

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