WiSE detailed communiqué

The Women in Science and Engineering Summit brought together scientists, engineers, business leaders, research funders, policy makers and the media to discuss tangible solutions to the female brain drain in science and engineering. This report from the Summit comprises the brief communiqué issued on the day, and a more detailed communiqué written after the event. It sets the scene for action. A Powerpoint presentation outlining the WiSE Summit’s goals and achievements can be downloaded at www.sta.org.au. Read More about WiSE detailed communiqué

WiSE Summit communiqué: commitments to action 11 April 2011

CSIRO, Australia’s largest employer of researchers on Monday 11 April committed to remove barriers to the promotion of highly skilled women and to increase incentives to encourage women to return to the workforce after maternity leave.

These were two of many commitments made by research funders, leaders and employers who today came together for the first time at the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Summit in Parliament House, Canberra.

The Summit, attended by the Hon Kate Ellis, Minister for Employment Participation and Childcare and for the Status of Women, discussed how to keep women in science and encourage more young women into engineering in order to boost productivity and equity.

Importantly, the nation’s leading research funders, the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Council, agreed to changes in how they assess research publications in the grant application of those with interrupted careers. The ARC committed to extending the period taken into account. The NHMRC this year will consider any nominated five years of an applicant’s career rather than the previous five years, and it has also agreed to monitor gender issues in general.

Read More about WiSE Summit communiqué: commitments to action 11 April 2011

The female brain drain – we’re losing our best minds

Summit: Monday 11 April 10.30am to 4 pm Mural Hall, Parliament House Canberra, Media welcome

What are CSIRO, ANSTO, the ARC, the NHMRC, Cochlear, CSL…going to do about it?

We’re losing our top young scientists – but not to better pay overseas – they’re dropping out of science and engineering in their 30s. It’s a cultural and economic loss to the country affecting every field from medicine to climate research to astronomy.
Read More about The female brain drain – we’re losing our best minds

WiSE Summit announced

The challenge

More women are studying science at university than men. But they’re not staying in science. We’re losing them mid-career.

We, as a nation, are not successfully supporting their transition into independent researchers and science leaders. The loss of these highly trained smart women is economically and culturally damaging to Australia.

Read More about WiSE Summit announced