2000 young world leaders march with a message for the United Nations

Photo opportunity 1pm Friday 22 March: 2000 students from 80 countries will wear their flags in a march along the Yarra from the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to Queensbridge Square.

They’ve got a message for the United Nations – they’re demanding a seat at the table for young people as world leaders debate future plans for international aid and development.

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World Model UN: press details and background information

In Melbourne this week, 2000 young change-makers from 80 countries will meet for the world’s largest international student-led youth conference, the Harvard World Model United Nations (WorldMUN), from 18-22 March.

Now in its 22nd year, with past meetings in Brussels, Geneva, London and Beijing, the world’s future leaders will be hosted here by students from Monash University and RMIT University at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

This year’s conference asks what will come after the UN’s Millennium Development Goals – eight targets in health, education, finance and human rights. As the 2015 deadline looms, the young delegates will plan towards the next set of goals in development, watched over by UN officials and mentors from the Red Cross, World Vision, UNICEF, and AusAID, the Australian government’s overseas aid agency.

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Future leaders meet in Melbourne to change the world

In Melbourne this month, 2000 young change-makers from 80 countries will meet for the world’s largest international student-led youth conference, the Harvard World Model United Nations (WorldMUN), from 18-22 March.

Now in its 22nd year, with past meetings in Brussels, Geneva, London and Beijing, the world’s future leaders will be hosted here by students from Monash University and RMIT University at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The conference is supported by all levels of government in Australia, and this year, for the first time, they’ve got the backing of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), our regional arm of the United Nations Secretariat.

Read More about Future leaders meet in Melbourne to change the world