Professor Marek Cala – Opening Speech, World Mining Congress

Chairman of International Organising Committee of World Mining Congress

Ladies & Gentlemen

I would like to begin by acknowledging the Turrbul and Yuggera peoples as the Traditional Owners of the land that we’re meeting on today, and pay my respect to their Elders past and present.

The organization called the World Mining Congress was established on the initiative of Professor Bolesław Krupinski in 1958.

The World Mining Congress was appointed in specific geopolitical conditions as a reaction of the mining community in the world to the irresistible need for mutual cooperation and development of the mining industry, which is crucial for the economy of each country.

The European Coal and Steel community was established in 1952, it was the predecessor of the European Union.

Many people in Europe do not know about it, many do not remember, and many do not want to remember about the important role played by mining in building the foundations of today’s European Union.

But in the 1950s, mining mattered a lot, and that’s why, despite the Iron Courtain, over political divisions and thanks to the organizational efforts of Professor Bolesław Krupinski, experts from many mining countries from different parts of the world could meet and talk.

The first World Mining Congress took place on September 15, 1958 in Warsaw, Poland.

The motto of the first World Mining Congress was Mine Construction.

Today in Brisbane, at the 26th World Mining Congress, the motto is:

Resourcing Tomorrow. Creating Value for Society.

65 years ago, we were only interested in the construction of mines – see how many interdisciplinary issues we deal with today.

Mining is one of the oldest and most important industries in the world. For thousands of years, people have been extracting metals, minerals and fuels from the earth, resources which are essential for the development of civilization.

Mining is also a source of wealth, employment and innovation.

Knowing that, I dare say:

Mining is OK!

This slogan expresses our pride in our industry, our faith in its potential and our determination in overcoming difficulties.

This slogan also encourages us to reflect on what we can do better, how we can improve the quality and efficiency of our work, how we can minimize the negative impacts of our activity and how we can build good relationships with our stakeholders.

Mining is OK!

Mining is ok because it provides us with essential materials for our modern society.

Without mining, we would not have metals, minerals, fuels, fertilizers, chemicals, electronics, construction materials and many other products that we use every day.

Mining is ok because it creates jobs and economic growth for millions of people around the world. In many countries, mining contributes to GDP, exports, taxes, royalties, infrastructure development, and community investment.

Mining is ok because it strives to be responsible and sustainable. Mining companies are constantly improving their environmental performance, reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing their water and energy consumption, rehabilitating their land and biodiversity, managing their waste and tailings, respecting human rights and engaging with their stakeholders.

Mining is ok because it drives innovation and technology.

Mining challenges us to find new ways of exploring, extracting, processing and using our natural resources.

Mining fosters creativity and collaboration among scientists, engineers, technicians, and entrepreneurs.

Mining is ok because it has a bright future. Mining will continue to play a vital role in meeting the growing demand for clean energy, electric vehicles, digital devices and other emerging technologies.

Mining will also help us achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Do not be afraid to say it.

Mining is OK!

Are we okay with that?

If we are not ok with it, let’s try to do something together to make it ok.


Let’s do this together.

Let’s make mining ok!

I hope that this conference will be inspiring, informative and enjoyable for all of us. I wish us fruitful deliberations and a pleasant stay in this beautiful city of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

I officially declare the 26th World Mining Congress as open.

Mining is OK!

Thank you for your attention.