Photos: ASSCR Stem Cell Image Competition 2018 highlights

Here is a selection of images from the Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research (ASSCR) Stem Cell Image Competition 2018, being held in conjunction with the International Society for Stem Cell Research 2018 Annual Meeting.

Images may be used by the media, provided credit is given to the photographer.

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Human forebrain neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells and infected with Australian bat lyssavirus, a type of rabies found in Australian bats. (Credit: Vinod Sundaramoorthy / ASSCR)

A magnified section of mouse bone marrow that has received a xenograft of human mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are found in the body’s connective tissue. (Credit: Bianca Nowlan / ASSCR)

Two embryoid bodies—aggregates of pluripotent cells or cells which can turn into multiple cell types—derived from human embryonic stem cells, bleeding in a dish. (Credit: Ana Rita Leitoguinho / ASSCR)

Studying multiple biomarkers—which indicate whether particular biological processes are occurring—in the brain’s dentate gyrus, a region of the hippocampus. Such studies help us evaluate the clinical potential of stem cell therapies. (Credit: An Truong/ASSCR)

This fluorescent ball of cells is a neurosphere, or cluster of neural stem cells. It has been formed from two genetically distinct populations of mouse neural stem cells, and has the potential to turn into other neural cells. (Credit: Claire Homan / ASSCR)

When mesenchymal stem cells are induced to form new bone cells, some cells will undergo apoptosis or programmed cell death and fragment. (Credit: Eman Othman Mossad/ASSCR)

Decellularised extracellular matrix proteins are highlighted by fluorescent labels. The proteins are produced by human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. (Credit: Gina Kusuma / ASSCR)

A six-week-old neuronal network, derived from human embryonic stem cells, shows the intricacy of nodes branching and connecting to other nodes. It’s a veritable spider’s web of information pathways. (Credit: Jarmon Lees / ASSCR)

Neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells being used to model Parkinson’s disease in the lab. (Credit: Joan Ho / ASSCR)

Twenty-day-old endometrial mesenchymal stem cells attached to a 3D-printed scaffold. (Credit: Kallyanashis Paul / ASSCR)

Fat microtissues produced from human mesenchymal stem cells in bone marrow. With their perfect symmetry and abundance of glorious fat droplets, they are fascinating to look at! (Credit: Mike Doran / ASSCR)

Tracing generations of cloned skin stem cells using different coloured fluorescent proteins. (Credit: Edwige Roy / ASSCR)