Announcement: Nominations closed

Nominations for Fresh Science 2013 are now closed.

We look forward to reading about the work of the 2013 nominees and we’ll notify applicants of the results by email during the week starting Monday 25 March 2013.

Successful applicants will participate in the state finals which will be held around Australia in April and May. Final dates will be announced shortly.


Nominations for Fresh Science 2013 have been extended to Thursday 7 March 2013.

We’re looking for the best and brightest early-career researchers who have made a peer reviewed discovery and received little or no media attention.

Successful applicants will participate in the Fresh Science 2013 state finals, a one-day communication boot camp for early-career researchers where they will learn essential communication skills.

Applicants can be researching in any field of science – from medicine to mathematics, from environmental science to computer science.

Plus, the 12 top candidates from the state finals will then be flown to Melbourne in July for the Fresh Science national final.

Nominating is easy, the key information we need is:

  • Nominee’s qualifications, including granting institution and year awarded.
  • A 60 word project summary
  • A 400 word project description
  • Evidence of peer review supporting the quality of your science.

The whole process is online via SurveyMonkey, and the young researchers are expected to fill in their own application.

Nominations are now open and close 5pm, Thursday 7 March 2013.

Read the full selection criteria online here then apply online through Survey Monkey here.

The Fresh Science state finals consist of a one-day media boot camp for young scientists.

Fresh Science helps young researchers develop expertise in presenting their ideas clearly to a general audience and to the media.

Fresh Science also assists the media to identify and publish accurate stories about Australian science. It demonstrates that science in Australia is exciting, vibrant and successful. Fresh Science encourages and provides recognition for Australia’s best young scientists and engineers.

Please circulate this information to anyone who you think would fit the criteria.

Below is further information on how and why to nominate. You can read more at

Now in its 16th year, Fresh Science is supported by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education through the Inspiring Australia initiative, CSL Limited and Museum Victoria.