Fresh Science at the Duke of Kent

Join us to hear the latest science from 11 of Australia’s most innovative young scientists as they talk about their discoveries over a drink at a pub in Melbourne on Monday night, 6 June.

Science performer Andrea Horvath (3RRR’s Dr Andi) will challenge them to describe their work in less than a minute, in rhyme, reason or verse.

<strong>You’ll hear about planets that orbit backwards, ‘suicide’ genes for treating blood cancers, when your grandparents will start falling over and more. </strong>

When: Monday 6 June, 7pm

Where: Upstairs at the Duke of Kent, 293 La Trobe Street, Melbourne

Cost: The science is free, all meals and drinks at bar prices.

RSVP for general numbers to AJ Epstein, <a href=””></a>, (03) 9398 1416.