A $1.4 million state-wide initiative to inspire South Australians to enjoy, engage, do, and be inspired by SA science

Launch today, 11 am, 17 April 2015, South Australian Museum with State and Federal Ministers and children’s activities on the lawns.

  • From the ancient rocks of the Flinders Ranges to the mysteries of the Southern Ocean;
  • From the chemistry of wine to the engineers who keep our submarines hidden;
  • From life-creating research into fertility to life-saving stem cells;
  • From growing wheat with less water to farming tuna;

Science is central to South Australia’s cultural and economic future. South Australia needs a science-aware community ready to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world, and ready to grab science-driven jobs.

The State Government, Federal government, all three SA Universities and the South Australian Museum have joined forces to create a statewide science-engagement program as part of the national Inspiring Australia program.

The three year initiative will:

  • Boost National Science Week activities in South Australia
  • Catalyse arts, civic, community and science groups to join together in holding regional and suburban science events – from putting telescopes on streets to citizen science projects tracking plants and animals as they adapt to a changing climate.
  • Build science event networks in regional and suburban centres
  • Support the creation of science clubs.

The program will build on the success of the first three years of Inspiring Australia which included:

  • See the Earth’s oldest animal fossils – training Flinders Ranges locals to be science communicators, working with them to develop the tourism potential of the region’s Ediacara fossils – national ‘Hidden Treasures’.
  • Putting a portable planetarium on the road in the Eyre Peninsula.
  • Creating 3D virtual tours of the 30,000 years old art and mining areas of Koonalda Cave on the Nullarbor.
  • Putting young researchers’ discoveries in the national media spotlight through Fresh Science.

Media contacts

Andrea Murphy, Manager Communications and Marketing, South Australian Museum, 08 8207 7385; +61 475 834 072, andrea.murphy@samuseum.sa.gov.au

Lydia Hales (Science in Public), 03 9398 1416, lydia@scienceinpublic.com.au    

No funny business in science communication, and tracking science from the Red Centre to WA and into the world of stories

The Inspiring Australia family has gotten a bit bigger and noisier, with the launch of the new opinion and discussion website, No Funny Business.

This site was created by the Australian Science Communicators and ScienceRewired, with articles provided by Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at ANU, but it belongs to the science engagement community as a place to share views and ideas on how we do our jobs. So head on over and make your voice heard!

Read More about No funny business in science communication, and tracking science from the Red Centre to WA and into the world of stories

Peak science bodies unite, fish tell climate change stories, fireballs from the desert sky, fossil treasure tourism, crafty communication and science cats

“The value we can have as a group together is far greater than the value of any one of us.”

– Assoc Prof Maryanne Large speaking at the Big Science Communication Summit

Winter is slowly turning into spring, but science engagement is running hot, fired by the events of National Science Week. Many science communicators are also benefiting from the contacts made and lessons learnt at the Big Science Communication Summit, held earlier in the year.

Read More about Peak science bodies unite, fish tell climate change stories, fireballs from the desert sky, fossil treasure tourism, crafty communication and science cats

Fact or fiction in sci-fi, Indigenous rangers talk science, and the power of dog poo: building the Inspiring Australia community

Around Australia, hundreds of scientists, science communicators, outreach officers, teachers and students are running engagement projects, planning National Science Week events and entering science awards – all with the support of Inspiring Australia. Read More about Fact or fiction in sci-fi, Indigenous rangers talk science, and the power of dog poo: building the Inspiring Australia community

Inspiring Australia: Is that angry bird a native, farming in the desert, whale spotters wanted, something is fishy about this and more

Some of 63 Unlocking Australia’s Potential science communication grants totalling $5 million announced today by the Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans.

For the official announcement from the Minister; State by State releases; and a full list of grant recipients; go online to www.scienceinpublic.com.au/inspiringaus
Read More about Inspiring Australia: Is that angry bird a native, farming in the desert, whale spotters wanted, something is fishy about this and more

Inspiring Australia grant overviews

A total of $5 million has been awarded across three levels of grant categories, small, medium and large, for projects to be delivered in 2012 and/or 2013 and/or 2014.

The prime objective of the program is to increase the engagement of Australians in science and it has prioritised projects that engage people who may not have had previous access to or interest in science-communication activities. Inspiring Australia is an initiative of the Australian Government.

Below is the full list of grants received in each state. Read More about Inspiring Australia grant overviews