Inspiring ACT

‘Sciencycle’ the busking bike, science updates its status, young migrants discover the potential of science and more.

ACT winners amongst 63 Unlocking Australia’s Potential science communication grants announced today by the Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans.

Sciencycle – the busking bike is rolling your way

The Australian National University is sending a brilliantly devised ‘busking bike’ into the streets to ‘peddle’ science to shoppers, students, joggers, workers, festival fans anyone who might otherwise miss out on science fun. On board the ` Sciencycle` there’s a PA, solar panel, pedal-power generator, an equipped workbench. It’s a complete science show set-up on wheels, thanks to a $4,935 Inspiring Australia grant.

Media contact: Graham Walker – – 02 6125 9224

Science updates its status on Facebook

Credible and accurate science news, plus information about study and career opportunities, will be supplied to more than 250,000 young Australians each day via Facebook by Canberra-based science news service Science Alert. They have received $200,000 from Inspiring Australia to support the project. Science Alert is an established and respected worldwide brand with more than 1 million followers internationally and the group’s success and experience will inform their development as a vibrant information hub for young Australians interested in science.

Media contact: Chris Cassella – – 02 6100 4307

Opening Doors – young migrants discover the potential of science

Disadvantaged migrants and refugees in their teens and early 20s will visit science centres, the botanical gardens Canberra and the National Reptile Sanctuary and Walk-in Aviary in a program structured to  give a positive and engaging experience of science – one that that may inspire them to pursue science at school, at tertiary level and professionally. Australian National University has received $4,460 support from Inspiring Australia to present these science-engagement events for young migrants whose families have settled in the Goulburn area.

Media contact: Sean Perera – – 02 61251073

About the grants

A total of $5 million has been awarded across three levels of grant categories, small, medium and large, for projects to be delivered in 2012 and/or 2013 and/or 2014.

The prime objective of the program is to increase the engagement of Australians in science and it has prioritised projects that engage people who may not have had previous access to or interest in science-communication activities. Inspiring Australia is an initiative of the Australian Government.

For a complete list of grant recipients go online to

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