2011 award ceremony photos

The three L’Oréal Australia For Women In Science Fellows for 2011 received their awards on Tuesday 23 August at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

A professional photographer took pictures of the Fellows on the night, you can see some of the images below. Click on the picture to access a high resolution version of the image.

For more images and videos of the Fellows view their full citations by clicking on the links below.

Tracy Ainsworth, James Cook University – The complex life of coral
Georgina Such, The University of Melbourne – A smarter way to deliver drugs
Eve McDonald-Madden, The University of Queensland/CSIRO – Can we save the tiger with mathematics?


The 2011 Fellowship winners with MC Sarah Clarke and L'Oréal Australia Managing Director Johan Berg (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Tracy Ainsworth, one of the three 2011 L'Oréal fellows (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Georgina Such, one of the three 2011 L'Oréal fellows (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Eve McDonald Madden, one of the three 2011 L'Oréal fellows (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


The 2011 L'Oréal fellowship winners (left to right: Tracy Ainsworth, Eve McDonald-Madden and Georgina Such). (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


2011 fellow Tracy Ainsworth (right) with MC Sarah Clarke at the 2011 award ceremony (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Eve McDonald-Madden receives her award from L'Oréal Australia Managing Director, Johan Berg at the 2011 award ceremony (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Georgina Such receives her award from L'Oréal Australia Managing Director, Johan Berg at the 2011 award ceremony (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Tracy Ainsworth receives her award from L'Oréal Australia Managing Director, Johan Berg at the 2011 award ceremony (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)


Guests at the 2011 L'Oréal Australia For Women In Science Fellowship award ceremony (credit: L’Oréal Australia/sdpmedia.com.au)