Breeding mosquitoes; turning Aussie wheat into Indonesian exports; connecting land and sea; the first 1,000 days of life

Aus indo logoToday in Surabaya, the third Indonesia-Australia Research Summit discusses research to change lives, including:

  • What happens when islands and remote communities get electricity? How does 24/7 power change families, businesses, and hierarchies?
  • Families hatching and releasing mosquitoes to fight dengue
  • Joint competitive advantage – working together to build our economies
    • Australian wheat becomes Indonesian noodles for global export
    • Australian cotton and rayon transform into Indonesian fashion exports

  • How higher education in Indonesia and Australia can drive national innovation goals
  • Building sustainable and resilient port cities
    • Improving the health of trains and tracks – for port and transport efficiency and safety
    • Creating the infrastructure for electric cars
    • Connecting land and sea in island nations
  • Bringing primary care to communities
    • Finding out who is dying and why – a national register
    • Student experiences in saving mums’ lives
    • Local nutrition resources to fight the obesity epidemic
    • Investing in the first 1,000 days of life in indigenous communities
    • A healthy start to life – the national approach
  • Urban water
    • Water sensitive cities – how to get there in Bogor and Jakarta
    • Eco-technologies for urban rivers
    • Urban flood modelling
  • Energy
    • Remote electrification – stories from the solar frontline
    • Creating a sustainable energy market for millions of Indonesians.

The Summit is at Kampus C, Universitas Airlangga.

All sessions are open to the media and the speakers are available for interview.

More information at

For interviews in English, contact Andrew Tijs on +61 405 278 298 or