Fitbits for sharks, studying the brains of the dead, and why maggots are our new best friends

Great National Science Week stories featuring top women in STEM up for grabs now around Australia.

  • Career advice from astrophysicist Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith
  • Learn why maggots are our new best friends
  • Find out what robot makers, illustrators and Indigenous storytellers have in common
  • Catch up with Ili Baré’s Australian compelling documentary, The Leadership
  • Why is geotechnical engineering the best job in the world?
  • Explore the reality of women in STEM, and ways to address gender inequality in the industry

These are just a few of the events and activities happening across Australia during National Science Week (August 15 to 23).

If you’re after more great ideas for highly visual stories, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at, and on Twitter at @SciWKMedia.

Individual event details and media contacts

Super STEM Careers Q&A—Sydney, NSW

Want to know what a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) really looks like, and how to get there? Australia’s Women in STEM Ambassador and astrophysicist Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith is hosting a live stream with CEO of Aubot and roboticist Marita Cheng, and Superstar of STEM epidemiologist Dr Kalinda Griffiths.

Join them as they talk about their jobs and how they started on their STEM career journeys.

Wednesday 19 August. Event details

Lisa Harvey-Smith is available for media interviews.

Soapbox Science Sydney Online 2020—Sydney, NSW

Find out about fitbits for sharks, studying the brains of the dead and why maggots are our new best friends.

Over four nights tune into a range of online seminars with 12 of Australias leading female researchers.

Learn from, question, and interact with some of Australia’s leading female researchers in science, technology, engineering & maths.

Monday 17 August – Thursday 20 August Event and speaker details

Event type: Online

Speakers are available for interviews

Canberra Women of Science and Art—Canberra, ACT

What do robot makers, illustrators and indigenous storytellers have in common? Find out in this diverse panel diverse from the Canberra Women of Science and Art. Discover how they use science and art in their lives, and how they got to where they are.

Saturday 08 August – Sunday 23 August. Event details

Event type: Competition

Event organisers, Claire and Renee are available to be interviewed.

The Leadership: women in STEM at the Melbourne International Film Festival—VIC

The Melbourne International Film Festival is screening director Ili Baré’s Australian documentary The Leadership, until August 23.

The film follows the story of an Australian CEO and ‘dreamer’ Fabian Dattner as she leads an international group of 76 female scientists on an Antarctic voyage designed to transform them “into the sort of leaders they want to be.” The Leadership unearths the profoundly troubling systemic obstacles to women’s advancement in science and beyond.

Produced by multi-award winning Bunya Productions’ Greer Simpkin (Mystery Road, Sweet Country), The Leadership is written and directed by acclaimed documentary maker in her feature length debut.

Filmed on location in Antarctica, Argentina, Indonesia, China, Australia, United Kingdom, France and United States, the film follows a handful of the scientists back to their homes and workplaces to reflect on their journeys post-voyage.

Event type: Online

Runs until Sunday 23 August. Event details

Several of the scientists featured in the film are available for interview.

Why girls totally rock—Canberra, ACT

Geotechnical engineering is the best job in the world, according to Alexendra Radulovich, from environmental consultants Douglas Partners.

Find out why and how she plans to get more girls to follow in her footsteps in this online seminar.

Wednesday 19 August. Event details

Event type: Online

ANU Student Association National Science Week: Women in STEM Panel—Canberra, ACT

Listen to a panel of academics and researchers from the Australian National Univerity (ANU), and the wider research community in the ACT as they explore their reality as women in STEM, and learn ways to address gender inequality in the field.

Wednesday 19 August. Event details

Event type: Online

About National Science Week

National Science Week is one of Australia’s largest festivals. Last year 1.5 million people participated in more than 2050 events around the country, in metropolitan, regional and remote locations.

In 2020, the festival is almost entirely virtual, online, DIY and well-spaced. This means most events, large and small, is open to anyone, no matter where they live.

National Science Week 2020 will run from 15 to 23 August. Media kit at, public event listings at