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asta logo - smallAustralia’s Future: 28 creative careers for adventurous young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

Chief Scientist Professor Ian Chubb this morning launched Australia’s Future, a free magazine featuring 28 people and the very different journeys they’ve taken from their studies in science and maths, in the Mural Hall at Parliament House, Canberra.

Dr Liz New, a chemist at the University of Sydney, reckons she’s got the best job anyone could have.

“We have this idea that scientists are the ones who perform best in school or have a focused personality,” says Liz. “For me, the scientific personality is simply anyone who is curious enough to ask questions.”

Tim Senden, head of applied maths at ANU, nearly dropped his science degree. It was too compartmentalised, but soon realised that experimental research was what he was ‘wired to do’.

“I’m driven by the opportunity to work with different people on diverse topics and simply use science as the vehicle to build these relationships,” says Tim.

Australian Science Teachers’ Association CEO Vic Dobos says he wants students – and their parents – to think about science careers more broadly.

“We all know Australia needs more scientists and engineers, but I have always felt we needed to tell our young people more about all the other things which become possible if they stick with science at school,” says Vic.

For example, Patrick Haylock has left the lab to work as a patent examiner.

“I’ve always liked finding out new things and observing the processes of scientific discovery,” says Patrick. “I get to look at work that is at the cutting edge… I will never get bored of that.”

The magazine shows young people that science is not all goggles and lab coats. It features passionate scientists, students and teachers who talk about their experiences and show how just about anyone can be part of this adventure.

“Careers in science and maths are creative, inventive, people-focused and great for young people who want to change the world,” says Vic.

About the magazine:

The 24-page magazine features 28 Australians who’ve made a life in science and maths. It also includes information for teachers, parents and students to help them find their own pathway to a science career.

The project was supported by: the Office of the Chief Scientist, the Australian Science Teachers Association, the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, the Australian Mathematics Trust, Australian Science Innovations, CSIRO, the National Mathematics Summer School and the National Youth Science Forum.

Read more about Liz, Patrick, Tim and the others who shared their journey at:

For interviews and more information: Vic Dobos, CEO of the Australian Science Teachers Association, 0434 611 155, 02 6282 9377,