We’re open for business

Science in Public is open for business with a full suite of services including our training, which is available via Zoom, Teams, Skype etc.

The Science in Public team pre-COVID

Our team of six salaried staff are all working from home and we’re working hard to ensure that we can keep everything rolling. Government support is helping.

A few weeks ago, we thought we would be badly affected by COVID and its impact on universities. Today, we realise that we’re luckier than most small businesses. You, our clients, are successfully transitioning to home working. Our work and our products are largely created, stored and distributed online.

The Science in Public team post-COVID

And we hope that there will be a renaissance of interest in science as people recognise its importance in guiding and protecting society. Although many labs are now closed, the business of science goes on: results are still being correlated, and analysed, papers are still being written, submitted and going through peer review; journals are still being published; grant applications are still being compiled; award nominations are still being written.

So, we’re open for business offering most of our usual services including:

  • Training – media, pitching, social media and other sessions for groups of one to 100 via Teams, Zoom, Skype or your preferred platform
  • Communication planning for your research and/or institute
  • Media releases, social media, websites and other publications
  • Advice and editing for prize nominations.

Our brilliant videographer, Jerome Pelletier, is also available. If you have an archive of videos, he can turn them into beautiful promotions for video and social media. Take a look at these examples:

Give us a call and find out how we can help you maintain and build the profile of your research over the coming months: