Healthcare that works for the Facebook and Skype era

Launch and embargo 10.30 am Friday, 17 August 2012

With Victorian Health Minister David Davis MLC

At The Alfred Centre, Monash University Lecture Theatre, Level 5, 99 Commercial Road

Fed up with explaining your medical history over and over again? Sick of waiting rooms? Can’t remember the name of the drug you had a reaction to? Lost your referral letter? Does your aging father keep forgetting when to have his health checks done?

These are just some of the problems being solved, thanks to a new e-health program that works. It’s been tested by 10,000 chronic care patients, 1,000 GPs and 3,000 allied health practitioners and the results speak for themselves.

This Friday the project – known as Collaborative Care Cluster Australia – will go national, with a call to action for GPs, patients and allied health professionals to get onboard and online to streamline the management of chronic illness and tackle a $60 billion healthcare burden.

Rural GP Dr Myrle Grey says many of her chronic care patients have embraced the program enthusiastically. “They like getting the reminders, too. They enjoy it. It gives them a sense that they’re on top of their care plan. I have one 75-year old lady who told me that her son is getting her an iPad. She said she’s looking forward to accessing her plan on iPad.”

The core of CCCA is a digital platform called cdmNet or Chronic Disease Management-Net in full. Just as Facebook has transformed the way people communicate, share photographs, keep up-to-date, remember birthdays and arrange social get-togethers; cdmNet helps patient, their GPs and their broader care team share medical histories, medication information, test results, up-dates on the patient’s condition, send referrals, fill out documentation and set reminders for appointments.

CCCA is supported by funding from the Victorian Government. cdmNet is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Digital Regions Initiative.

CCCA partners include Precedence Health Care, Fred Health, Cisco Systems, Monash University, the Australian E-Health Research Centre (CSIRO), Baker IDI, Southern Health, Royal District Nursing Service, Dandenong-Casey GP Association, Bupa, Diabetes Australia, and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Quotes available from:

  • Professor Paul Zimmet AO Director Emeritus and Director of International Research, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute;
  • Professor Leon Piterman AM Pro Vice-Chancellor, Monash University;
  • Professor Greg Johnson CEO and National Policy Manager of Diabetes Australia;
  • Paul Cohen Deputy CEO of Barwon Health;
  • Jason Trethowan CEO of Barwon Medicare Local;
  • Stan Goldstein Medical Director at BUPA;
  • Professor Mark Cooper Deputy Director of Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute;

all online at

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