Growth, celebration and opportunities for students

EMBL Australia will launch a third node at the new South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

And “new knowledge, ideas and a feeling of inspiration”, as EMBL Australia supports a group of PhD students to travel to the main EMBL campus in Heidelberg, Germany.

Also in this new year bulletin: more travel grants and internships for PhD students; EMBL alumni making connections with Europe; and congratulating Victoria Prize winner Terry Speed.

Read More about Growth, celebration and opportunities for students

Keeping our best young bioscience brains in Australia: Centenary Institute Lawrence Creative Prize

The winner of the Centenary Institute Lawrence Creative Prize will be announced at 12.30 pm, Thursday 15 November 2012, at a lunch at UBS in Sydney.

He will receive $25,000, and a glass trophy designed by Australian sculptor Nick Mount.

The 2012 finalists are:

  • Robert McLaughlin, a medical engineer from the University of Western Australia (UWA), who has developed an optical probe that fits inside a hypodermic needle and can help surgeons accurately determine the boundaries of breast cancer tumours.
  • Marc Pellegrini, from Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), whose discoveries about how the body regulates its immune system are being applied to clinical trials of cancer vaccines and treatments for HIV and hepatitis.
  • Jian Yang, from the Diamantina Institute at the University of Queensland, who has solved a major puzzle of missing heritability by developing software and methods to determine the multiple genes involved in conditions such as schizophrenia, obesity and diabetes.