One unlucky letter causes an infant epilepsy

A 20 year old mystery was solved this week with the discovery that an epilepsy that affects infants is caused by the change of a single letter in one gene. Seizures in infancy are not rare, but this familial epilepsy occurs in probably 60 families acro…

Global recognition for Melbourne epilepsy pioneer

L’Oréal and UNESCO have just announced that Australian paediatric neurologist Professor Ingrid Scheffer is the Asia-Pacific L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureate for 2012. She is one of five international winners who will each receive US$1…

L’Oreal Australia: Five women moving science forward

L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science grants Australian Scientist US$100,000 in one of the world’s most prestigious Science prizes: The 14th Annual L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Award   Issued by L’Oreal Australia. Honouring five…