Solar soldiers, cocaine cravings, nanobots, and Venetian acoustics This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about solar soldiers, cocaine cravings, nanobots, Venetian acoustics, and more… …Continue Reading about Solar soldiers, cocaine cravings, nanobots, and Venetian acoustics →
Intelligent microbes, boarding planes, and ganging up underwater This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about intelligent microbes; ganging up underwater; boarding planes; how frogs drink; and more… …Continue Reading about Intelligent microbes, boarding planes, and ganging up underwater →
The world’s oldest fossils, the origins of beer and winning the lottery This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about the world’s oldest fossils; power walking; the origins of beer; winning the lottery; and more… …Continue Reading about The world’s oldest fossils, the origins of beer and winning the lottery →
Electronic tattoos, bacterial wires, and sensing date-rape drugs This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about electronic tattoos, bacterial wires, symbiotic threesomes, sensing date-rape drugs, and more… …Continue Reading about Electronic tattoos, bacterial wires, and sensing date-rape drugs →