Termites and ants are stockpiling gold in their mounds, new CSIRO research has found. Australia’s smallest and most numerous mining prospectors can show us where new gold deposits are. …
Australia’s big twist, slipped discs, poisonous rats and hungry bats
This week on radio, Tim Thwaites is talking about Australia’s big twist; slipped discs; poisonous rats; hungry bats; and more… …
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Ensuring Australia’s mining future
Australian Academy of Science media release AAS 1/11 Sixty of Australia’s big-thinking young geoscientists have identified how to ensure this country continues to be a powerhouse of mining for …
Unearthing Australia’s buried treasures
Released on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science. We know more about the surface of Mars than we do of the earth beneath our feet. Australian earth scientists are calling for a national …
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Quarrying data for gems of knowledge
Released on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science Predicting where Australia’s next mineral boom will come from is serious business. Data collected using satellite sensing, airborne surveys, …
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Are we all mined out?
Released on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science Most of the easily-found, economically exploitable mineral deposits in Australia have already been discovered, and are steadily being mined …