Six-legged miners strike gold

Termites and ants are stockpiling gold in their mounds, new CSIRO research has found. Australia’s smallest and most numerous mining prospectors can show us where new gold deposits are. Insects can carry gold from underground up into their mounds. Dr Aaron Stewart and his CSIRO colleagues have shown that they also accumulate metals in their […]

Ensuring Australia’s mining future

Australian Academy of Science media release

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Sixty of Australia’s big-thinking young geoscientists have identified how to ensure this country continues to be a powerhouse of mining for at least the next century.

The report of a Think Tank on the future of resource discovery and utilisation held at the Australian Academy of Science late last year was launched by the Minister for Resources and Energy, The Hon Martin Ferguson, today at the Shine Dome in Gordon Street, Canberra at 3 pm. Read More about Ensuring Australia’s mining future

Are we all mined out?

Released on behalf of the Australian Academy of Science

Most of the easily-found, economically exploitable mineral deposits in Australia have already been discovered, and are steadily being mined out. We need new, large, rich ore bodies to replace them.

How we go about finding and developing them is at the core of an Australian Academy of Science Think Tank to be held in Canberra on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 August. The media are invited to the first day, and the speakers are available for interview. Read More about Are we all mined out?

Bacteria munch up alumina impurities

Previously unknown species of naturally-occurring bacteria have the potential to save the alumina and aluminium industries millions of dollars while helping to reduce their impact on the environment, microbiologist Naomi McSweeney has found in a collaborative project between Alcoa, CSIRO and the University of Western Australia.

Ultrasound puts water back in the Murray Darling…

You may not be able to squeeze blood out of a stone but—by applying the right amount of ultrasound during processing—Jianhua (Jason) Du and colleagues from the University of South Australia have been able to squeeze a considerable amount of fresh water from mining waste.