Whooping cough is fighting back.

Researchers discover how whooping cough is evolving paving the way to a new vaccine.

Whooping cough strains are adapting to better infect humans, a team of Sydney researchers has found.

The scientists, led by microbiologist Dr Laurence Luu of the University of New South Wales, may have solved the mystery of why, despite widespread vaccinations, the respiratory disease has been resurgent in Australia across the past decade. There have been more than 200,000 cases recorded during the period.

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Target-target baru untuk vaksin tuberkulosis

Hari TB Sedunia (25 Maret) mengingatkan kita mengenai ancaman TB yang terus meningkat

Vaksin-vaksin yang lebih baik dibutuhkan agar dapat melawan TB di tingkat global. Global Fund melaporkan sekitar 9 juta kasus TB baru muncul setiap tahunnya, menempati posisi kedua sebagai penyakit menular paling mematikan di dunia setelah AIDS. Menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO), lebih dari 320.000 kasus TB dilaporkan di Indonesia pada 2014. Sementara, hanya lebih dari 1.000 kasus TB yang dilaporkan di Australia. Namun, munculnya penyakit TB yang bersifat resistan terhadap obat menimbulkan ancaman bagi seluruh dunia.

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Vaccines to change the world – public forum in Melbourne

Vaccines to change the world – Australia’s role in a critical global health mission – immunising against deadly diseases

This forum marks the launch of Australia’s Role in the World, a partnership initiative between The Australian Institute of International Affairs, The University of Melbourne and UN Youth Australia to engage young people, academia and the wider public in debate about major global issues.

6:30-8:00pm, Thursday 22 March 2012 in the Spot Basement Lecture Theatre, 198 Berkeley St.

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Science in Public this week (21- 25 Nov 2011)

Monday: Niall’s in Canberra for the $50,000 CSL Florey Medal announcement.  Release and images here.

Tuesday: Niall’s at the Excellence in Health Journalism awards at the National Press Club. Update: Niall accepted the Health Journalist of the Year 2011 award on behalf of Melbourne film-maker Sonya Pemberton.  More here.

Wednesday: Blamey & Saunders Hearing’s new name and office are being launched by Michelle Gallaher, CEO of the BioMelbourne Network

Thursday: For 30 years the Menzies Foundation has been awarding scholarships to researchers in health sciences and the humanities.
Tim’s off to the 2011 Menzies Memorial Scholars announcement tonight – more information here.

Australia commits $US58 million to global vaccines initiative

This commitment is great news and a wonderful follow-up to the UN global health conference held in Melbourne last month. Here’s the media release from GAVI – the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

Mary Robinson, Chair of the GAVI Alliance Board, welcomes the new commitment, which will help save the lives of 4.2 million children

(issued by GAVI)
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