UA Climate Forum – agenda

Climate Change: bridging scientific knowledge and public policy

Universities Australia National Policy Forum

Mural Hall, Australian Parliament House, Thursday 18 March 2010

8.45 am: Opening comments

Chair: Prof. Peter Coaldrake, Chair, Universities Australia and VC, Queensland University of Technology

9 am, Session 1: Climate change in Australia today – the evidence

Chair: Prof. Peter Coaldrake, Chair, Universities Australia and VC, Queensland University of Technology

Australia’s climate has changed – the climate record

Dr Blair Trewin: Climatologist, National Climate Centre, Bureau of Meteorology

Climate in SE Australia – hotter, drier with increased risks?

Prof Roger Jones: Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University

Plants and animals reveal climate change

Dr Marie Keatley: Department of Forest and Ecosystem, University of Melbourne

The climate change adaptation in Australian Agriculture

Prof Snow Barlow: Melbourne School of Land and Environment and Primary Industries Adaptation Research Network NCCARF, The University of Melbourne

9.45 am, Session 2: Revealing the future of climate change

Chair: Niall Byrne, Creative Director at Science in Public

Climate change – the global picture

Prof Nathan Bindoff: ACE CRC and Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Climate change in Australia’s tropical waters and the threat to the Reef

Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg: Global Change Institute, University of Queensland

Climate change is dangerous to our health

Assoc Prof Keith Dear: National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, Australian National University

Climate change and the carbon cycle

Dr Mike Raupach, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

Can we trust climate science?

Prof Kevin Judd, School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Western Australia

Obligations for scientific credibility

Prof Ken Baldwin, ANU Climate Change Institute

10.30 am, Morning Coffee

11 am, Session 3: Responding to climate change: the social and economic impact

Chair: Ms Anna-Maria Arabia, Executive Director, Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies

The social impacts of climate change in rural Australia.

Dr Anthony Hogan, National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, Australian National University

How climate models are helping farmers adapt

Prof Graham Baker for Prof Roger Stone, University of Southern Queensland

The scope for action

Prof Amanda Lynch: School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Monash University

A low carbon future –capturing the opportunity

Ms Jenny McAllister: Director, Climate Change, Air and Noise, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water

Emerging energy sources

Prof Ken Baldwin: ANU Climate Change Institute

The economics of climate change

Prof John Quiggin: School of Economics, University of Queensland

12 pm to 1 pm, Lunch in Private Dinning Rooms – all invited

12.30 pm, closing comments from Senator the Hon Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research