2013 Fresh Science State Finals

How might tooth stem cells help repair damaged brains? How do trees cope with thirst and starvation? Do whales need personal space? And is there an early blood test for Alzheimer’s?

These are some of the questions our 2013 Fresh Science State Finalists are working on.

We’ve picked some of Australia’s brightest early-career scientists to participate in a one-day media and communication boot camp where they’ll learn how to talk science to journalists, business and the public. The course is based on Science in Public’s national media training program.

We’re wrapping up the finalists’ training with a small networking reception where we’ll give them one last challenge. Can they excite and inspire over a glass of wine?

The receptions are invite-only but contact AJ if you’re interested to attend: aj@scienceinpublic.com.au

This year the state-final courses will run in Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. Details of each event are below.

Perth: Tuesday April 16, University of Western Australia’s University Club

Adelaide: Thursday 18 April, The Science Exchange

Brisbane: Tuesday 23 April, the University of Queensland’s St Lucia Campus

Melbourne: Tuesday 30 April, Scienceworks in Spotswood

Sydney: Thursday 2 May, ANSTO in Lucas Heights

The 2013 Fresh Science State Finals are supported by ANSTO, Science Works, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, the University of Western Australia and the University of Queensland.