Video footage and photos of Monash 3D printing in metal



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The biggest powder bed 3D printed metal aerospace component is on display at the Melbourne International Airshow at Avalon (2017)


Barrie Finnin, CEO of Amaero, with a hand on the 3D printed door hinge from a Chinese jet airliner. A 3D printed air intake component is in the foreground.

Barrie Finnin, CEO of Amaero, in front of the original 3D printed jet engine.

A cut away view of a new rocket motor design.

A cut away view of a new rocket motor design.


The rear view of the 3D printed door hinge from a Chinese jet airliner.


The new rocket motor design and Barrie Finnin, CEO of Amaero.

Monash 3D printed Jet Engine (2015)


Monash Jet Engine (click for hi-res)

Monash Jet Engine

Professor Xinhua Wu with the printed engine. Credit: Monash University

Professor Xinhua Wu. Credit: Monash University


Monash Jet Engine on display at the Avalon Airshow

Monash’s printed Jet Engine (low res)

The engine on display

Monash’s printed Jet Engine


Monash Jet Engine on display at the Avalon Airshow. Credit: Science in Public


Monash Jet Engine on display at the Avalon Airshow. Credit: Science in Public


Monash Jet Engine on display at the Avalon Airshow (David Lyster, Manager of Research Partnership at Monash University in background). Credit: Science in Public


Printing in metal. One of the metal laser printers at the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing. (Credit: MCAM)

Printing in metal. One of the metal laser printers at the Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing. (Credit: MCAM)

Printed jet engine. Credit: Science in Public

Printed jet engine. Credit: Science in Public

3D metal structures printed at MCAM. Credit: Science in Public

Demonstrating the intricacy possible with metallic 3D printing. Credit: Science in Public