Accurate time with light and designing the NBN

A new, cheaper way to deliver accurate time across Australia: instead of using hydrogen maser clocks costing hundreds of thousands of dollars we can bounce signals through the national’s optical fibre network according to physics leaders speaking today and tomorrow.

Also today at the national physics congress in Sydney, meet the man whose job it is to figure out how to build the NBN.

And hear about the magic of thermal plasmas, from safer arc welding to saving the ozone layer.

Read More about Accurate time with light and designing the NBN

Did the internet break yesterday

Written by and posted on behalf of Tony Hill, IPv6Now.

Yesterday the world trialled the ‘new Internet’, the new address system that will open up the future of the Internet allowing you to have an address for every device in the home – your phone, TV, baby monitor, computer, and, with smart labels, even your wine bottles. But will it also break your Internet connection? Read More about Did the internet break yesterday

Good Aussie home wanted for $140 million gravitational wave detector

9 December 2010

US researchers are offering Australia a gravitational wave detector worth $140 million provided Australia can build an appropriate facility, costing a further $140 million, to house it.

The sophisticated detector would be part of a global search for gravitational waves, which were predicted by Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity, but have not yet been found. Read More about Good Aussie home wanted for $140 million gravitational wave detector