Modelling Darwin Harbour’s extreme tides

$5.6 million upgrade to Arafura Timor Research Facility

Launched by Federal Science and Research Minister Don Farrell

Media call 9.30 am, Friday 24 May 2013, 23 Ellengowan Drive, Brinkin

Darwin Harbour has extreme tidal rises and falls of up to eight-metres. So the ebbing and flowing currents in the channels are strong and fast, all of which makes it difficult for pilots to berth bulk carriers or manoeuvre dredges. Read More about Modelling Darwin Harbour’s extreme tides

Fire, carbon capture and the NT

Soil has the answer to burning climate questions
Decreasing the frequency of wild fires in northern Australia would lead to an increase in the amount of carbon stored in the soil, significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions, according to CSIRO ecologist, Dr Anna Richards.

Fire is part of the natural cycle of northern Australia’s savannas. But what’s the […]

A conversation with Sarah Darwin and Tall Ship experience

A conversation with Sarah Darwin and Tall Ship experience

Thursday 25 February 2010, 5.45pm (tallship tours from 4pm)
Nelson Room, Seaworks, 82 Nelson Place Williamstown (Melways 56 E10).
Entry off Nelson Place (metered parking)

Sarah is Charles Darwin’s great, great granddaughter and a biologist. She is retracing her ancestor’s steps on the Dutch clipper Stad Amsterdam for TV station VPRO.

Sarah and her project colleagues Redmond O’Hanlon and Hans Fels will discuss the expedition, the science and what it means for them to recreate the voyage of the Beagle.

Read More about A conversation with Sarah Darwin and Tall Ship experience

Evolution in November—Superhuman, genes and The Origin’s birthday

In this bulletin for the Evolution Festival there are some spectacular activities to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, the book that brought Darwin’s theory of evolution to the public.

We’d also welcome your thoughts on how to mark the anniversary in the media.

The anniversary is on 24 November. We’re planning on getting comments from leading scientists on what we’re likely to be celebrating on the 200th anniversary in 2059 or the 250th in 2109.

Darwin – myths, voyages and notebooks: Evolution events in March and April

Darwin celebrations continue with thought-provoking talks and exhibitions across the country.

In this bulletin we highlight 15 evolution events taking place in March and April. Some of them are finishing soon, including the Darwin exhibition at the National Museum of Australia, Canberra, so don’t delay if you want to see them.

Charles Darwin – voyages and ideas that shook the world opens today at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney. Read More about Darwin – myths, voyages and notebooks: Evolution events in March and April