UA Climate Forum – speakers

Speaking at the forum are the following: Prof. Peter Coaldrake, Dr Blair Trewin, Prof. Roger Jones, Dr Marie Keatley, Prof. Snow Barlow, Mr Niall Byrne, Prof. Nathan Bindoff, Prof. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Assoc. Prof. Keith Dear, Dr Michael Raupach, Prof. Kevin Judd, Prof. Ken Baldwin, Ms Anna-Maria Arabia, Dr Anthony Hogan, Prof. Graham Baker, Prof. Amanda Lynch, Ms Jenny McAllister, Prof. John Quiggin and Senator the Hon. Kim Carr.

UA Climate Forum – agenda

8.45 am: Opening comments
9 am, Session 1: Climate change in Australia today – the evidence
9.45 am, Session 2: Revealing the future of climate change
11 am, Session 3: Responding to climate change: the social and economic impact
12.30 pm, closing comments from Senator the Hon Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research