Partnering with Japan, understanding pathogens and more travel grants for students: EMBL Australia in September

In this month’s EMBL Australia newsletter:

Read More about Partnering with Japan, understanding pathogens and more travel grants for students: EMBL Australia in September

Neurodegeneration: from lab to clinic with systems biology

University of Melbourne, Tuesday 11 June

Understanding neurodegeneration is one of the big life science challenges. It’s attracting massive international investment but the complexity of the brain means there will be no simple answers.

That’s why we’ve chosen neurodegenerative diseases as the topic for the first Victorian Systems Biology Collaborative on Tuesday 11 June.

Read More about Neurodegeneration: from lab to clinic with systems biology

Saving lives with personalised medicine; exploring neurodegeneration; travel grants for students: EMBL Australia in June

In this month’s EMBL Australia newsletter:

Read More about Saving lives with personalised medicine; exploring neurodegeneration; travel grants for students: EMBL Australia in June

Personalised medicine: a young life saved through genomics and systems biology

Symposium: Royal Children’s Hospital, Monday 3 Junehoward_jacob

Professor Howard Jacob is getting genomics out of the research lab and into the clinic.

He’s at the forefront of personalised medicine. He and his colleagues successfully treated a five year old with a life threatening digestive condition in 2010, sequencing the boy’s genome to find a rare mutation.

He says we need to not just talk about how personal genomes will change medicine. It’s time to use it now especially for undiagnosed conditions.

Read More about Personalised medicine: a young life saved through genomics and systems biology

Funding for young science leaders and support for PhD students

EMBL Australia is offering secure funding for young science leaders to set up their own research group supported by the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).

Also high on the agenda is building a bioinformatics community, through the launch of the Australian Bioinformatics Network. And getting feedback from scientists on their bioinformatics needs.

Plus: PhD symposiums, travel grants and training school. And how to get maths students interested in systems biology.

Read More about Funding for young science leaders and support for PhD students

Growth, celebration and opportunities for students

EMBL Australia will launch a third node at the new South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

And “new knowledge, ideas and a feeling of inspiration”, as EMBL Australia supports a group of PhD students to travel to the main EMBL campus in Heidelberg, Germany.

Also in this new year bulletin: more travel grants and internships for PhD students; EMBL alumni making connections with Europe; and congratulating Victoria Prize winner Terry Speed.

Read More about Growth, celebration and opportunities for students

Melbourne wins conference on future biology

The cellular-wide impact of cancer; how pests interact with wheat plants; what characteristics of yeast give wine its taste.

These are the sorts of complicated questions scientists from around the world will come to Melbourne in 2014 to discuss at the 15th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2014). Systems biology uses all the tools of the biological and computer science revolutions to look at whole plants and animals. Over the next decade it is set to transform biology.
Read More about Melbourne wins conference on future biology

EMBL Australia Style Guide

What is EMBL AustraliaEMBL Australia

This document is intended as a resource and guide for anyone writing about EMBL Australia and its projects. It is based on a paper discussed with the EMBL Australia Executive Council on 26 February.

A full version of the document is available here: What is EMBL Australia – 21 March 2014

EMBL Australia Style Guide

The Executive Committee of the EMBL Australia approved the following guidelines for use for all EMBL Australia Communications programs and documents at its February 2013 meeting. It’s a work in progress and the master is maintained by Science in Public.

The current version is available here: EMBL Australia Style Guide – 21 March 2014

High resolution logos for EMBL Australia, its partners, initiatives and resources are available here