Tobacco: Australian achievement, Global challenge

  • congress 6 trillion sticks sold per annum
  • Killing half its users – over five million people a year
  • Australia, UK, and Canada are winning the fight – we’re smoking less and pension funds are pulling their money
  • Tobacco’s new ruthless tactics for blocking health policy
  • Multinational companies, like mosquitoes, are vectors of disease
  • What’s happening for the 800 million smokers in developing countries?

Researchers at the World Congress on Public Health in Melbourne available for interview.

Plus, Mike Daube, the man behind Australia’s plain packaging laws receives the highest honour from the World Federation of Public Health Associations—the Hugh Leavell Award for Outstanding Global Health Leadership.

Contact Niall on 0417-131-977, or Tanya on 0404-083-863 for interviews

Read More about Tobacco: Australian achievement, Global challenge

Even ‘healthy’ weight gain raises pregnancy diabetes risk

Media Release from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) 

Mothers who gain weight in the years leading up to pregnancy have an increased risk of gestational diabetes, even if their weight remains within the healthy body mass index (BMI) range.

University of Queensland School of Public Health researcher Akilew Adane said women who gained more than 2.5 per cent of their body weight each year had almost triple the risk of gestational diabetes compared to women who maintained a stable weight. Read More about Even ‘healthy’ weight gain raises pregnancy diabetes risk

Healthy parks create healthy communities – biodiversity protection in Victoria linked to public health

Media release from the Public Health Association of Australia

A pha new biodiversity protection plan released this week by the Victorian Government which aims to ensure the long-term protection of the State’s natural areas and encourage the local population to make greater use of their parks and green spaces is a significant step forward in recognising the intrinsic link between thriving natural environments and human health.

Michael Moore, CEO of the Public Health Association Australia said, “As the incidence of non-communicable diseases in Australia such as diabetes, heart disease, depression and anxiety continues to rise, it’s crucial that governments consider the body of research which demonstrates the connection between these public health issues and increasing levels of urbanisation”.

“There is a wealth of evidence which shows the link between time spent outside in the natural environment and greater levels of health and wellbeing, due to the increased physical activity that results from being outdoors in park and recreation areas and the positive mental effects associated with nature,” said Mr Moore.  Read More about Healthy parks create healthy communities – biodiversity protection in Victoria linked to public health

Parents Pour Water on Fast Food Kids’ Meals

Media release by Parents’ Voice

#waterwiththat Launch at the World Congress on Public Health 7.15am, Thursday 6 April, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Australian parents want water to become the standard drink offered to their children when eating out. In a Parents’ Voice survey of Australian parents, 89 per cent agreed that water should be the default option in kids’ meals.

Advocacy group Parents’ Voice presented those findings at today’s launch of the #waterwiththat campaign in Melbourne. Alice Pryor, Campaigns Manager for Parents’ Voice, said: “Our parents are sick of seeing advertisements for fast food kids’ meals that don’t match the in-store reality. These companies have pledged not to market unhealthy food and drinks to children, yet their meals come with a sugary drink as standard.”

With 47 per cent of Australian children consuming at least one sugary drink every dayi, the campaign #waterwiththat is urging all signatories to the Quick Service Restaurant Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children (QSRI) to put water with their kids’ meals. Read More about Parents Pour Water on Fast Food Kids’ Meals

Global challenges – World Congress on Public Health Day 2

  • congress Could Trump’s rejection of trade agreements be healthy?
  • Africa is getting healthier
  • Tuberculosis will kill 4,000 people today
  • New flu types are appearing faster
  • We’re not ready for the next pandemic

Global challenges today, Tuesday 4 April at the 15th World Congress on Public Health

Researchers available for interview, contact Niall Byrne on 0417 131 977 or Read More about Global challenges – World Congress on Public Health Day 2

Surviving the dark side of adolescence

congress At home, on the streets, across the world

Adolescence can be the best years of your life—exploring your freedom to think, party, travel. But it can also be the worst—accidental injuries, street crime, depression, stress, and putting on unwanted weight.

Melburnian George Patton explored these issues for the 2016 Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing.

Wednesday evening George will join a panel of teen health experts for the Melbourne Conversations event The light and dark sides of adolescence for the World Public Health Congress in Melbourne on 5 April.

George is available for interview on how we can help our own children and our city’s children, survive and thrive through adolescence.

Other stories from the World Congress on Public Health include

Risky drinking; what’s making our teens fat; standing desks for schools; sun safety; and more

Researchers available for interview, contact Niall Byrne on 0417 131 977 or Read More about Surviving the dark side of adolescence

Collaboration key to tackling public health issues

Media Release from the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)

Monday 3 April 2017

Media Contact: Rachel Murphy Senior Media Advisor, 03 9667 1319 /0435 761 732,

Collaboration key to tackling public health issues

vichealth VicHealth’s Sustainable Development Goals Partnership grants aim to foster collaboration between Victorian and international partners to explore how social and environmental issues such as climate change, ageing populations and the exponential growth of technology will affect our health over the next two decades.

VicHealth CEO Jerril Rechter announced the funding during the first plenary session of the 15th World Congress on Public Health 3–7 April. The Congress brings together leading international public health experts in Melbourne to share learnings from around the world.

Ms Rechter said VicHealth welcomed the opportunity to facilitate partnerships between leading global experts to tackle critical public health issues such as obesity, gender equality and mental wellbeing.  Read More about Collaboration key to tackling public health issues

Providing abortion by telehealth: The first 1000 medical abortions safe and effective

Media release from the Tabbot Foundation

tabbot 3 April 2017

Associate Professor Suzanne Belton says, ‘Telehealth abortions with tablets are a safe and effective way for Australian women to seek a termination of pregnancy.’

‘It is a low-risk procedure. Very few women needed extra support at a hospital for assistance with bleeding or additional pain relief.’

‘Women can use a telephone medical abortion service to speak with doctors and nurses to get information, tests and medications. So far more than 1000 women have used the service which is very affordable, since September 2015.’ Read More about Providing abortion by telehealth: The first 1000 medical abortions safe and effective

Public Health Congress: Monday daily wrap up

  • CT scans have raised kids’ cancer risks congress

  • Sex after 65: sexual activity and physical tenderness are important to healthy ageing

  • Are celebrities bad for your health? Just 12 per cent of star endorsements are for healthy choices

  • Your phone could be telling you to eat more veggies

  • Public health – enemies of the people?

Stories from the 15th World Congress on Public Health
Monday 3 April 2017, Melbourne Convention Centre

@wcph2017 #wcph2017


More at and @wcph2017 on Twitter.
Contact Niall on 0417-131-977, or Tanya on 0404-083-863 for interviews Read More about Public Health Congress: Monday daily wrap up

Public Health on Monday


  • Public health – enemies of the people?

  • Poor need not = unhealthy, making the world fairer through policies on eating, chronic disease and trade

  • How to eliminate HIV and hepatitis B and C by 2030

  • Is President Trump’s stand on free trade agreements good for public health

  • We’re getting fatter and sicker

  • Self-governance and health for Indigenous peoples

Monday 3 April 2017, Melbourne Convention Centre
Researchers at the 15th World Congress on Public Health available for interview from Monday 3 April

More at and @wcph2017 on Twitter.
Contact Niall on 0417-131-977, or Tanya on 0404-083-863 for interviews

Read More about Public Health on Monday