A new chlorophyll – redefining photosynthesis: 2011 Science Minister’s Prize for Life Scientist of the Year

Min Chen

Among the single-celled cyanobacteria—formerly known as blue-green algae—which live in the ancient rock-like accumulations called stromatolites in Shark Bay, Western Australia, Associate Professor Min Chen of the University of Sydney last year found the first new form of chlorophyll in 67 years.

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Revealing the dark side – in Tasmania this week

What we see in the night sky is only five per cent of the Universe. So what’s the other 95 per cent of the Universe made of – a young physicist has the answers across Tasmania this week. One of Australia’s leading young physicists will reveal the…

Tammar wallaby’s clever immune tricks revealed

Two thymus glands fast-track immune defences
Baby wallaby photos available
Until now, it was a mystery why many marsupials have two thymuses—key organs in the immune system—instead of the one typical of other mammals. Now postdoctoral researcher Dr Emily Wong from the University of Sydney and her colleagues have found that the two organs are identical, which […]